【VI设计】 & 鹿小小奶茶品牌设计
- 鹿小小奶茶店VIS品牌设计-视觉识别系统
- Vis brand design of luxiaoxiao milk tea shop visual identity system
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- 本方案的设计以“.鹿/”奶茶杯”为创意出发,提取鹿角元素及简约化,表现了鹿是一种被人当作爱情的象征,在鹿的图形提取元素并且鹿象征着爱情,在古代它被视为神物,人们认为它能带来幸福和长寿,同时提取奶茶杯元素将提取的元素简化及巧妙结合设计,使整个品牌形象更具有灵活性。
- 以粉色系列为主打的奶茶店品牌,主要定位于女生群体。
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- The design of this scheme is based on the idea of "deer /" milk tea cup ". The antler elements are extracted and simplified to show that deer is regarded as a symbol of love by people. The elements are extracted from deer\\\\\\\'s figure and deer symbolizes love. In ancient times, it was regarded as a God. People thought it could bring happiness and longevity. At the same time, the milk tea cup elements are extracted to simplify and skillfully combine the extracted elements, Make the whole brand image more flexible.
- With pink series as the main brand of milk tea shop, it is mainly located in the female group.
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- 版权所有◎2021 单松强品牌设计/原创
- Copyright 2021 single Songqiang brand design / original
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- 2021年3月25日 — 2021年4月8日
- March 25, 2021 - April 8, 21